Rearick, received her first District Minister's License and wUl serve the Massapequa Park Church as Assistant Pastor with special emphasis on Bible Study groups, counseling and visitation \Never cut what you can untie.\ Joseph Joubert MOORE BROS. At the same District Assem- bly Pastor Rearick's wife, Ann C. State Finals: How often do you see a HSer grace the front page of a major newspapers Sports Section The Los Altos State Champs, led be Rick Brown. Under his ministry the Massapequa Park Church's programs have been re- vitalized and the church is presently embarking on a $150,000 remodeling program in order to better serve the needs of the community. As a alayman, Pastor Rearick was active in the East Rockaway Church of the Nazarene for 20 years serving on the official board, as Sunday School Supt., and finally as Assistant Pastor. Rearick retired from the FBI in 1978 after 24 years of service as a Special Agent, and as a licensed minister assumed the duties of pastor at Massa- pequa Park. Rearick, pastor of the Com- munity Church of the Nazarene in Massapequa Park and former long time resident of East Rock- away, was ordained during the New York District Assembly held April 29-30 at Denville. Rockaway The Avengers, participating team in the league of LIJSL - Long Island Junior Soccer League - Fall Boys U16 (M-1) in New York, season 2019-20 Please click here if you are not redirected within a few seconds. i Vi i Vi i i v.* v.* v.' v.* v v vvi v/ u The Rev.Vs Los Altos: Lynbrook gets away with only a win in the Frosh division.Newspaper Page Text 599-9482 593-8884 jf^BOK Stora£ie 4>7i: Fur Storage Fully Insured on Premise

Vs Santa Clara: Lynbrook does a clean sweep by taking all 3 divisions. Vs Awalt: A 2 point with in the VB and wins in the other two divisions as well. Vs Monta Vista: JV Boys crushed (100+ pts) while Frosh won. Vs Sunnyvale: Another 100+ win for Lynbrook Frosh and a sweep of all 3 divisions. Vs Fremont: Loose the Varsity Boys but with JV & Frosh. Vs Buchser: Lynbrook dominates by easily winning all 3 divisions. Vs Homestead: Lynbrook wins all 3 divisions over the Mustangs. The 2 pt loss in the Frosh being the toughest. Vs Cupertino: Close meets but a loss in all three. Paul Armstrong (2nd from left) who coaches at Cupertino HS ran for Oakland Tech on the Mile Relay squad.ĬCS Finals: Ron Millazo grabs a 5th in the shot. A team of six won the meet with Brown winning the 440, 880 and anchor (started in 3rd) the Mile Relay.

State Finals: How often do you see a HS'er grace the front page of a major newspaper's Sports Section? The Los Altos State Champs, led be Rick Brown, did just that. Lynbrook East Rockaway polo shirt5.5oz, 50/50 cotton/poly1x1 rib knit collar and cuffs3 button placket withLeft chest club logoOptional 'COACH' Right chest ( 4.