They can be built in the Northwest, Southwest, and Southeast, but there has never been a mission to build them in the Northeast (unsure as if this is a bug or intended) There are only 3 of each type of structure that can be built on each server for the missions. Once built, they will not decay and then become a target for the ritual missions. Only the person that completes it will get the rewards and be able to move it. Build structure (Epic focus point): These are special structures that can only be built in specific locations.Unfortunately, they can spawn on deed and inside buildings. The name of the object doesn't matter, since you can use ANY valrei object for these missions. These objects must be found and spawn randomly on the server. Sacrifice valrei item: Sacrifice X amount of Valrei object at an altar.These items must be "Decent", which is 30ql or higher. Sacrifice normal item: Sacrifice X amount of a type of item at an altar.Slay traitor: Kill a specific creature with "traitor" at the end of their name.

Slay X number of creatures: Kill X amount of a type of creature on the server.If it is a mission that requires 132 parts, for example, each part will give 1000/132 per part.If it is a single player mission, that one player will get 1000 karma for completing it.Each mission provides 1000 karma total.If it fails because the time runs out you receive none. The sleep bonus is only awarded if the mission is successful. 30 minutes of sleep bonus (only if you have less than 4 hours already).What religion you follow does not limit which mission you can be a part of.If the mission asks for a "Decent" item, this means it has to be 30 quality or higher.You do not have to be premium to partake in or complete the mission and you will still receive the karma and sleep bonus if other requirements are met.

You will need to be at least a follower of any god and have enough faith to sacrifice. The only requirement is for the sacrifice missions.For Epic Server, missions provide additional material, refer to Scenarios.Turn on mission progress from the hud settings to see what current missions are available.They provide you with sleep bonus and karma. Missions are randomly given tasks that are server specific.2 Requirements for Completing a Mission.Sacrificing items at an altar requires one to have at least 10 faith with the deity that the altar belongs to.While with normal status, an altar gives 4 alignment gain, rarity is as follows: 5 for rare, 6 for supreme, and 7 for fantastic. Faith bonus for altar rarity is an extra 1% for rare, 2% for supreme, and 3% for fantastic. Rarity in altars adds faith bonus and improves alignment gains in sermons.Any items placed on the altar do not get sacrificed - only items placed inside the altar do.You can also bash an Altar with a maul or similar item to destroy an altar. If you desecrate an altar of your deity you stop following that god and have your faith and favor reset to 0.

To desecrate an altar of your own faith, you must go "unfaithful" in the action bar.

It is possible to destroy an altar via the "desecration" action. The resulting domain influence for each tile is pictured. In the below example, an altar of Fo and an altar of Magranon are within 4 tiles of each other. The highest quality, and therefore most influential, will control the domain in the area. The distance of influence for a domain depends entirely on the QL of nearby altar(s). The material type of an altar has no effect on domain influence or bonuses it is strictly cosmetic. The strength of the bonus is affected by many variables such as the follower's faith and alignment, the distance from the altar, and the altar's QL. When standing on a tile in the domain of your deity any follower, priest or champion will receive a small bonus to some of their skills, such as fighting skill. An altar provides a portal from which a deity may funnel their domain into the lands of Wurm and also a place where followers may pray or sacrifice in respect to their deity. The domain of a deity provides bonuses to all their followers, priests and champions. There are also two special types of altars on PvP servers which are not craftable by players: